Export Certification
The Chamber provides free export certification to any member company that needs to certify that its products were produced in the United States. Contact info@bglcc.org for additional information about this service for members!
Free Listings
The Chamber publishes an annual Buffalo Grove Community Guide. All Chamber members are listed FREE in the member directory.
‘Hot Deals’ Member-to-Member Discount Program
Encourage members to use your business by offering a discount or special promotion on your goods and services. Participating members and their discounts are listed on the website—www.bglcc.org. There is no fee for this service. Call the Chamber Office for additional information on the program.
Members have the opportunity to showcase their business at one of our membership meetings, for a small fee. It’s your opportunity to display your goods and services. Contact info@bglcc.org for additional information.
Networking Table
A special table is set up at each membership meeting where members can leave business cards, literature, or information on their upcoming events for others to take. There is no fee and no advanced reservations are required.
New Members Program
Bring in a new member and we’ll say thanks by giving you a free lunch at one of our membership meetings. You will also receive ‘Chamber Bucks’ which can be used to pay for Chamber events or luncheon— $5 for the first member, $10 for the second member and $15 for every member thereafter during the fiscal period.
The Chamber’s website—www.bglcc.org—provides hotlinks to members’ websites and also allows members to enhance their listing on the chamber’s site.